Listings is one of our most powerful themes that allows any niche business to create a listings/directory based website thanks to a Woo-powered content builder for custom post type, taxonomy and custom field generation. The theme showcases your listings in a minimilistic style with advanced search capabilities and the ability to upload a listing from the front end. Watch the video below to better understand it’s capabilities and how it can help your business.

Listings WordPress Theme Screenshot
- Custom homepage – The homepage showcases your directory/listings custom post types, taxonomies and latest posts, or any combination of these, with an optional featured slider, search module and widgetized areas.
- Featured slider – The featured slider can be enabled/disabled and displays any custom post type content tagged with a particular tag setup in the theme options. Great to highlight your best listings/content.
- Advanced search module – Specify exactly what custom post types / taxonomies / custom fields to use in the search module. The front end displays it neatly in a collapsible container accessible from any page.
- Custom single listing template – The single listings page displays all your information in a neat modular layout. All images uploaded using the WP image uploader gets added into a js gallery tabber, your Google Map location is displayed if specified, and similar listings are displayed below.
- Upload a listing page template – From your website front-end you can allow for site visitors to upload listings directly to your WP backend, ready for review and publishing. All the custom fields are pulled into the upload form and the site administrator can specify whether users must register to post or not.
- Google Maps – Associate a Google Map address to your listing and enable street view and location maps allowing your site visitors to browse the neighbourhood. You can also add this custom field to any CPT using the content builder documented below.
- Create/edit custom post types
- Create/edit custom taxonomies
- Create/edit custom fields
- Backend theme options
- Cross-browser compatible
- Auto-sizing thumbnails
- Localized for translations
- Woo Framework
- Custom page templates
Listings of WooThemes: $70
[.ZIP] package mediafire, rapidshare, hotfile, megaupload.
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