Photolia is a clean responsive photo-blog WP theme who is designed by well-known themes developer UpThemes. This theme comes with one photo-grid gallery and View.js lightbox viewer that allows your photos to look attractive at large sizes. Besides, it supports to showcase high resolution image like on Retina device, light/dark color schemes and variety post format styles. With Photolia theme, you can easily add a custom background to your photography blog using WordPress’ native background management tools.

Photolia WordPress Theme
- Responsive Design
- Customizable Background
- Light and Dark Color Schemes
- View.js Lightbox Viewer (a $19 value)
- 2x Retina Image Support
- Unique WordPress Post Format Styles
- Styles Powered by SASS
- Settings API
- WordPress-Standard Media Uploader
- Custom Layouts & Color Schemes
- Live Theme Customizer
- Customizable Header and Background Images
- Multiple Language Support
- And more
Price: $39
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