deVision Business WordPress Theme

deVision is a complex WordPress theme that lets you create a business website in minutes. Showcase your company or product with clean and professional design without any programming skills.

deVision Business WordPress Theme

deVision WordPress Theme Screenshot



  • jQuery Content Slider – Easliy add posts or/and pages to the content slider on the home page with a custom field. The image in the slider can be linked to the post/page or open an image or video (Vimeo/Youtube) in a lightbox.
  • 4 Color Schemes – deVision comes with 4 different color schemes (red, green, blue & grey). You can optionally display a jQuery style switcher on the front end to let your visitors select their preferred color scheme.
  • Custom Widgets – The home page, the sidebar and the footer are widgets areas. Sidebar and footer are nested areas. You can create sub areas for home, categories, posts and/or static pages.
  • Custom Menus – As a matter of course deVision supports one of the most important new features of WordPress 3.0 → the custom menus. Create your menu in seconds via drag & drop without touching any code.
  • Custom Background – Another useful feature of the newest WordPress release is the custom background option. You can easily change the entire look & feel of your deVision theme with a custom background image.
  • Button Shortcodes – To create buttons like you see in the header section or the read more button in the blog section you can use the deVision button shortcodes with a number of options.


deVision of ThemeShift: €39

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[.ZIP] package mediafire, rapidshare, hotfile, megaupload.


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