deSignum Business WordPress Theme

deSignum is a complex business WordPress theme that comes packed with the latest WordPress 3.0 goodness, 4 color schemes, useful shortcodes, jQuery and so much more.

deSignum Business WordPress Theme

deSignum WordPress Theme Screenshot



  • jQuery Image Slider – The jQuery image slider allows you to professionally showcase your featured content as an eye catcher on the home page. Through the theme options page you have full control over effects and slider pause etc.
  • Action Bar – To guide your user to the most important content you can create links in the action bar on the home page that no user can ignore. Set title, description and select an icon on the theme settings page.
  • Layout Options – deSignum comes in 4 color schemes (green, red, blue and grey) including a jQuery color switcher. On archive pages users can toggle between grid and list view. Color and view preferences are saved.
  • Custom Widgets – deSignum comes with several custom widgets. The sidebar is a nested widget area. You can create a general sidebar and a different one for the home page, category pages, single posts and static pages.
  • Custom Menus – As a matter of course deSignum supports one of the most important new features of WordPress 3.0 → the custom menus. Create your menu in seconds via drag & drop without touching any code.
  • Shortcodes – The theme also comes with a bunch of comprehensive shortcodes to create buttons in different sizes and color or with icons, info boxes with or without icons, icon links and horizontal rules.


deSignum of ThemeShift: €39

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[.ZIP] package mediafire, rapidshare, hotfile, megaupload.


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