Life Journey is designed for a church or ministry website, but can also very easily be used for any other type of site. This WordPress Theme comes packed with goodies to help any church easily gain a web presence. Some of these feature include: 77 main template modules plus 4 mobile module positions for a total of 81 module positions, custom page and column widths, custom row widths, custom highlight color, Google fonts, mobile device support, and so much more!

Life Journey WordPress Theme
- Choose fluid or fixed template widths
- Custom column, page and row widths
- Custom Highliight Color
- Mobile Device Support
- New S5 MP3 Player!
- 77 collapsible core theme positions, plus 4 mobile positions
- Image Fader
- Google Fonts
- SEO Optimized
- Fixed Tabs
- Site Shaper available (demo quick installs)
- Sliced PSDs included
- Multibox enabled
- Tool Tips enabled
- 100% tableless CSS
- Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- Validates with CSS Level 3
- Custom page and column widths
- 5 Menu systems
Prices: from $49.99
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