Want a great looking theme without all the bloat of many other WordPress themes? Then Basics is the perfect match for you! Basics gives you the basics of what you would expect in a theme for just about anyone to be able to easily setup any time of site in no time! Along with that it’s core contains only an amazing 30kb of images, making this template lightning fast! But Basics, despite it’s title, is still packed with great goodies including RTL support, the S5 image and content fader module, light and dark themes, custom highlight color, SEO optimized, 30 module positions, dynamic module titles, fluid and fixed widths, and so much more! Make sure to check out the demo for a full list of features.

Basics WordPress Theme
- 100% tableless CSS
- Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- Validates with CSS Level 3
- SQL dump available
- RTL language support
- Custom highlight color for fonts and background
- SEO Optimized
- Light and Dark theme
- Fixed or Fluid page layout with custom column widths
- 31 module positions and 7 styles
- Sliced PSDs included
- Site Shaper available (WordPress install that includes demo data)
- Fully collapsible module positions
- Lytebox enabled
- Tool Tips enabled
- 5 Menu systems: Choose style: Drop Down, Fading, Scroll Down, Suckerfish, None
[.ZIP] package Mediafire, Rapidshare, Hotfile, Megaupload.
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