Classified ad, one of the most popular forms of advertising in the world. Directory will give you the chance to create a nice, well-rounded classified ads-styled website. Offering a classified ads section easily to your existing site could be the biggest money spinner so far, even if you don’t charge for them – because of all that extra traffic you’ll get. With Directory, you can let everyone submit entries without having to log into the WordPress dashboard. You can also set up theme options so these entries can be immediately published or put on pending review.

Directory WordPress Theme
Key Features:
- Submit ads from front-end interface – User can post ads easily from Directory’s front-end interface without having to go into Dashboard or registering. Just click “Post an Ad” button, fill the form, and publish. Your ad post will immediately appear on your site.
- Search ads by category – User can easily search the ads they want. Gadgets, automotive or electronics ads, they are all neatly organized. The numbers beside category links show how many ads listed in the categories.
- Publish ads in detail – The ad submission form is very detailed, user can enter ad category, price, expiry date, phone and location. User can easily contact the ad author by clicking the contact button on the ad detail page. User can also report ads if the content is inappropriate.
- Google Maps integration – Directory supports Google Map features for your ads. Write your address and have Google maps automatically do the rest to show you the exact location of your ads.
- Ad featured slider – Show your featured ads in a slider along with the ads titles. You can choose which ads to show in a few simple clicks.
- Automatic thumbnail resizer
- Theme administration panel
- WordPress threaded comments
- Cross-browser compatibility
Directory Standard Pack: $49
Directory Developer Pack: $99
[.ZIP] package Mediafire, Rapidshare, Hotfile, Megaupload.
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