Elastik WordPress Theme is a beautiful Virtual Pinboard WP theme from WPZOOM. It has design same as Pinterest.com which is great popularity community website in these days. Elastik theme is the best suitable for you who want to build your own social website to display your posts in a fluid grid using jQuery Masonry technique with smooth graphics and easily manage content. The theme contains features such as responsive design for variety devices, easy customziation, fast change the color of the header background and much more.
- ZOOM Framework
- Responsive Layout
- Easy Customization
- Featured Slideshow
- Post Formats
- Custom Widgets
- WPZOOM Options Panel
- Custom Menus Management
- Threaded Comments Support
- Custom Widgets & Features
- SEO Options Section
- Custom Page Templates
- Developed for WordPress 3.3+
- Custom Logo Input
- Automatic Image Resizing
- Internationalized & Localized
- Banner Management Section
- Custom Background Support
Price: $69
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