Simplex is a customizable business WordPress theme from Shape 5. This theme works on Vertex Framework which has clean design, The Drop Down Panel feature/S5 Ultimate Drop Down and NEW Vertex admin GUI allows for easier administration of each design. Simplex is designed with CSS3 and support for IE7, IE8 through PIE to help your website is downloaded faster.

Simplex WordPress Theme
- Vertex Framework
- NEW! Vertex Framework Admin GUI
- 91 collapsible core template positions plus 4 mobile positions
- 5 custom module suffixes
- Set your own background image
- Flex Menu integrated
- Choose fluid or fixed template widths
- Custom column, page and row widths
- Mobile Device Support
- Designed with CSS3 – Limited support for IE7 and IE8 through PIE
- RTL language support
- 3rd Party Stylings for Virtuemart and K2
- Google Fonts
- SEO optimized
- Fixed tabs
- Menu scroll to section
- Drop Down Panel
- Site shaper available (Joomla install that includes demo data)
- SQL dump available
- Sliced PSDs included
- Multibox enabled
- Tool tips enabled
- 100% tableless CSS
- Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- Validates with CSS Level 3 with browser specific calls
- Compatible with the following browsers: IE7+, Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+, Safari, Advant & Chrome
2 months + 1 domain : $49.99
1 year + 3 domains : $79.99
1 year + unlimited domains : $109.99
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